Resultados: 3

Explorando o uso de aplicativos móveis para autogestão do tratamento em saúde mental: scoping review

Rev. enferm. UFSM; 11 (), 2021
Objetivo: mapear a literatura científica produzida sobre aplicativos móveis para a autogestão do tratamento em saúde mental. Método: revisão de escopo realizada em cinco bases em português, inglês ou espanhol em novembro de 2020 com os descritores mental health, mental illness, mental disorder, p...

Covid-19 and digital technology: mobile applications available for download in smartphones

ABSTRACT Objective: to describe Covid-19 mobile applications available for download on smartphones. Method: a cross-sectional study with 52 mobile applications on Covid-19, obtained from virtual stores for smartphones with Android and iOS operating systems. Fisher's exact test and Cramér's V were us...

Mobile applications in surgical patient health education: an integrative review

Rev. Esc. Enferm. USP; 54 (), 2020
Abstract OBJECTIVE To analyze the scientific literature produced on health education through mobile applications for surgical patients. METHOD An integrative literature review performed through consultation in the following portals and/or databases: VHL; PubMed; Web of Science; Scopus; LILACS and CINAH...